Service Time: Sunday 10:00 am
2451 Edgefield Road Trenton, SC 29847

Pastor Search Announcement:

The Mount Canaan Baptist Church located at 2451 Edgefield Road, Trenton, SC is prayerfully seeking our 12th pastor, who is called by God to proclaim the gospel.  Established in 1868, the church has a rich legacy of Christian service and ministry.  Our next spiritual leader should be equipped to effectively preach and teach the Word of God, have a strong passion to serve God’s people, possess good leadership skills to work well with church leaders and congregation, and administer the ordinances of the Baptist Church.


Pastor Qualifications:

    • - Be a licensed and ordained minister in the Baptist Faith
    • - Be a visionary with sound judgment and discernment
    • - Possess effective written and oral communication skills
    • - Be growth-oriented 
    • - Demonstrate pastoral care capability 
    • - Be financially aware and responsible
    • - Committed to continuing education and spiritual development
    • - Demonstrate the ability to “bridge” spiritual and generational gaps
    • - Possess effective administration skills and ability to organize and lead staff

Application Submission Instructions:

All qualified persons must submit the following documents and items to the Pastor Search Committee:

      • - Completed application
      • - A current resume and cover letter
      • - Three letters of recommendation from a clergyman, layperson, mentor, and  co-worker
      • - Copy of license, ordination certificate, degree(s), or any other applicable documents
      • - Photo of candidate

At the conclusion of the application submission timeframe, if all the items that are requested to be submitted for our consideration as a candidate are not received, your application package will be deemed invalid, and no further consideration will be given.

Once your application has been deemed valid, you will be contacted to provide the necessary information for a background check and soft credit pull.  This is required for your application package to remain valid.

How to Submit Application:
Application submissions will ONLY be accepted via mail to:

Mailing Address:
Mount Canaan Baptist Church
Pastor Search Committee
PO Box 6250
North Augusta, SC 29860

Note: All submissions must be POSTMARKED by March 25, 2024

Absolutely NO application packages will be accepted by any other method besides what is identified above. 
All submitted information will be regarded as confidential.  Additional information may be requested and/or required.  A completed application for employment and clearance of a criminal/personal background check will be required for all finalists.

Contact us:      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Greetings and Welcome

Mt Canaan Full Color AltWelcome to the website of Mount Canaan Baptist Church, located in Trenton, SC. We are thrilled to extend our warmest greetings to all visitors, friends, and members of our faith community.

Here at Mount Canaan Baptist Church, we are dedicated to sharing the love of Christ and providing a spiritual home for individuals seeking to grow in their faith.

Our church is not only a place of worship but also a hub of various activities and programs designed to cater to our congregation's diverse needs and interests. We take immense pride in our G.L. Brightharp Youth Center, a vibrant hub of youth ministry programs where our members can gather, have fun, and grow spiritually and socially.

 Speaking of spiritual growth, we offer numerous Bible study and prayer opportunities, fostering a strong connection with God and a deeper understanding of His Word. Our weekly schedule includes:

Sunday School at 9:00 am: A chance to delve into the teachings of the Bible and engage in meaningful discussions with fellow believers.
Worship Service at 10:00 am: Join us in lifting your voices in praise and worship as we come together to glorify and worship God.

Prayer Service & Bible Study at 6:45 pm: Mid-week, we gather for reflection, prayer, and in-depth study of the Scriptures, seeking to strengthen our relationship with the Lord.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our church, its ministries, and how we aim to serve the Trenton community and beyond. We are committed to providing a place of love, support, and spiritual growth for people of all ages.

At Mount Canaan Baptist Church, we strive to be a beacon of light in the Trenton community, spreading the message of hope and salvation through our faith, youth programs, and commitment to spiritual growth. We look forward to welcoming you to join the Mount Canaan Experience and share our faith journey together.

Online Giving

givingpage small

"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10 KJV

"But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 KJV

Your financial contributions will help spread Christ's message of hope and healing to so many people and places around the corner and around the world. From giving a single gift to scheduling an ongoing contribution, you can do it safely and securely here.

Click Here To Give Online!

Tithe/Offering by Mail: If you would like to mail your tithe/offering or donation, please use the following address:

Mount Canaan Baptist Church
Attn: Trustee Ministry
2451 Edgefield Road
Trenton, SC 29847

Mt. Canaan Upcoming Events

Calendar Of Events


Sunday School  9:00 am
Worship Service  10:00 am
Prayer Service & Bible Study  6:45 pm







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